Página original: http://www.ucmp.berkeley.edu/history/lamarck.html
"Do we not therefore perceive that by the action of the laws of
organization . . . nature has in favorable times, places, and climates
multiplied her first germs of animality, given place to developments of their
organizations, . . . and increased and diversified their organs? Then. . .
aided by much time and by a slow but constant diversity of circumstances, she
has gradually brought about in this respect the state of things which we now
observe. How grand is this consideration, and especially how remote is it from
all that is generally thought on this subject!"
Text of a lecture given by Lamarck at the Musée National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris, May 1803 |
Lamarck's scientific theories were largely ignored or
attacked during his lifetime; Lamarck never won the acceptance and esteem of his
colleagues Buffon
and Cuvier, and
he died in poverty and obscurity. Today, the name of Lamarck is associated
merely with a discredited theory of heredity, the "inheritance of acquired
traits." However, Charles Darwin, Lyell, Haeckel,
and other early evolutionists acknowledged him as a great zoologist and as a
forerunner of evolution. Charles Darwin wrote in 1861:
Biography of Lamarck
Jean Baptiste Pierre Antoine de Monet, Chevalier de Lamarck was born on
August 1, 1744, in the village of Bazentin-le-Petit in the north of France. He
was the youngest of eleven children in a family with a centuries-old tradition
of military service; his father and several of his brothers were soldiers. The
young Lamarck entered the Jesuit seminary at Amiens around 1756, but not long
after his father's death, Lamarck rode off to join the French army campaigning
in Germany in the summer of 1761; in his first battle, he distinguished himself
for bravery under fire and was promoted to officer. After peace was declared in
1763, Lamarck spent five years on garrison duty in the south of France, until an
accidental injury forced him to leave the army. After working as a bank clerk in
Paris for a while, Lamarck began to study medicine and botany, at which he
rapidly became expert; in 1778 his book on the plants of France, Flore Française,
was published to great acclaim, in part thanks to the support of Buffon.
On the strength of the Flore Française (and Buffon's patronage),
Lamarck was appointed an assistant botanist at the royal botanical garden, the
Jardin des Plantes, which was not only a botanical garden but a center for
medical education and biological research. Aside from a stint as tutor to Buffon's
son during a tour of Europe in 1781, Lamarck continued as an underpaid assistant
at the Jardin du Roi, living in poverty (and having to defend his job from
cost-cutting bureaucrats in the National Assembly) until 1793. That year, the
same year that Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette went to the guillotine, the old
Jardin des Plantes was reorganized as the Musée National d'Histoire Naturelle (National
Museum of Natural History), which was to be run by twelve professors in twelve
different scientific fields. Lamarck, who had called for this reorganization,
was appointed a professor -- of the natural history of insects and worms (that
is, of all invertebrates), a subject he knew nothing about.
To be fair to Lamarck, we should mention that since the time of Linnaeus,
few naturalists had considered the invertebrates worthy of study. The word
"invertebrates" did not even exist at the time; Lamarck coined it. The
invertebrate collections at the Musée were enormous and rapidly growing, but
poorly organized and classified. Although the professors at the Musée were
theoretically equal in rank, the professorship of "insects and worms"
was definitely the least prestigious. But Lamarck took on the enormous challenge
of learning -- and creating -- a new field of biology. The sheer number and
diversity of invertebrates proved to be both a challenge and a rich source of
knowledge. As Lamarck lectured his students in 1803, after ten years of research
on invertebrates:
But Lamarck's works never became popular during his lifetime, and Lamarck
never won the respect or prestige enjoyed by his patron Buffon or his colleague Cuvier.
While Cuvier respected Lamarck's work on invertebrates, he had no use for
Lamarck's theory of evolution, and he used his influence to discredit it. Most
of Lamarck's life was a constant struggle against poverty; to make matters worse,
he began to lose his sight around 1818, and spent his last years completely
blind, cared for by his devoted daughters (he had been married four times). When
he died, on December 28, 1829, he received a poor man's funeral (although his
colleague Geoffroy
Saint-Hilaire gave one of the orations) and was buried in a rented grave;
after five years his body was removed, and no one now knows where his remains
Lamarck's Scientific Thought
Beginning in 1801, Lamarck began to publish details of his evolutionary
theories. Where men like Buffon had hinted at the possibility of evolutionary
change, Lamarck declared it forthrightly. In 1801 he wrote:
While the mechanism of Lamarckian evolution is quite different from that
proposed by Darwin, the predicted result is the same: adaptive change in
lineages, ultimately driven by environmental change, over long periods of time.
It is interesting to note that Lamarck cited in support of his theory of
evolution many of the same lines of evidence that Darwin was to use in the Origin
of Species. Lamarck's Philosophie zoologique mentions the great
variety of animal and plant forms produced under human cultivation (Lamarck even
anticipated Darwin in mentioning fantail pigeons!); the presence of vestigial,
non-functional structures in many animals; and the presence of embryonic
structures that have no counterpart in the adult. Like Darwin and later
evolutionary biologists, Lamarck argued that the Earth was immensely old.
Lamarck even mentions the possibility of natural selection in his writings,
although he never seems to have attached much importance to this idea.
It is even more interesting to note that, although Darwin tried to refute the
Lamarckian mechanism of inheritance, he later admitted that the heritable
effects of use and disuse might be important in evolution. In the Origin of
Species he wrote that the vestigial eyes of moles and of cave-dwelling
animals are "probably due to gradual reduction from disuse, but aided
perhaps by natural selection." Lamarckian inheritance, at least in the
sense Lamarck intended, is in conflict with the findings of genetics and has now
been largely abandoned -- but until the rediscovery of Mendel's laws at the
beginning of the twentieth century, no one understood the mechanisms of heredity,
and Lamarckian inheritance was a perfectly reasonable hypothesis. Several other
scientists of the day, including Erasmus
Darwin, subscribed to the theory of use and disuse -- in fact, Erasmus
Darwin's evolutionary theory is so close to Lamarck's in many respects that it
is surprising that, as far as is known now, the two men were unaware of each
other's work.
In several other respects, the theory of Lamarck differs from modern
evolutionary theory. Lamarck viewed evolution as a process of increasing
complexity and "perfection," not driven by chance; as he wrote in Philosophie
zoologique, "Nature, in producing in succession every species of
animal, and beginning with the least perfect or simplest to end her work with
the most perfect, has gradually complicated their structure." Lamarck did
not believe in extinction: for him, species that disappeared did so because they
evolved into different species. If this goes on for too long, it would mean the
disappearance of less "perfect" organisms; Lamarck had to postulate
that simple organisms, such as protists,
were constantly being spontaneously generated. Yet despite these differences,
Lamarck made a major contribution to evolutionarythought, developing a theory
that paralleled Darwin's in many respects. Rediscovered in the middle part of
the 19th century, his theories finally gained the attention they merited. His
mechanism of evolution remained a popular alternative to Darwinian selection
until the beginning of the 20th century; prominent scientists like Edward
Drinker Cope adopted Lamarckianism and tried to apply it to their work.
Though his proposed mechanism eventually fell out of favor, he broke ground in
establishing the fact of evolution.
Lamarck was the first man whose conclusions on the subject excited much
attention. This justly celebrated naturalist first published his views in
1801. . . he first did the eminent service of arousing attention to the
probability of all changes in the organic, as well as in the inorganic world,
being the result of law, and not of miraculous interposition.
Who was this man, and why did he inspire such conflicting attitudes?
. . . we perceive that, relative to the animal kingdom, we should chiefly
devote our attention to the invertebrate animals, because their enormous
multiplicity in nature, the singular diversity of their systems of
organization, and of their means of multiplication, . . . , show us, much
better than the higher animals, the true course of nature, and the means which
she has used and which she still unceasingly employs to give existence to all
the living bodies of which we have knowledge.
Lamarck published a series of books on invertebrate zoology and paleontology. Of
these, Philosophie zoologique, published in 1809, most clearly states
Lamarck's theories of evolution. The first volume of Histoire naturelle des
Animaux sans vertèbres was published in 1815, the second in 1822. Aside
from Lamarck's contributions to evolutionary theory, his works on invertebrates
represent a great advance over existing classifications; he was the first to
separate the Crustacea, Arachnida,
and Annelida
from the "Insecta." His classification of the mollusks was far in
advance of anything proposed previously; Lamarck broke with tradition in
removing the tunicates
and the barnacles from the Mollusca.
He also anticipated the work of Schleiden & Schwann in cell theory in
stating that:
. . . no body can have life if its constituent parts are not cellular tissue
or are not formed by cellular tissue.
Lamarck even found time to write papers on physics and meteorology, including
some annual compilations of weather data.
. . . time and favorable conditions are the two principal means
which nature has employed in giving existence to all her productions. We know
that for her time has no limit, and that consequently she always has it at her
What was the mechanism for evolution? "Lamarckism" or "Lamarckianism"
is now often used in a rather derogatory sense to refer to the theory that
acquired traits can be inherited. What Lamarck actually believed was more
complex: organisms are not passively altered by their environment, as his
colleague Geoffroy
Saint-Hilaire thought. Instead, a change in the environment causes changes
in the needs of organisms living in that environment, which in turn causes
changes in their behavior. Altered behavior leads to greater or lesser use of a
given structure or organ; use would cause the structure to increase in size over
several generations, whereas disuse would cause it to shrink or even disappear.
This rule -- that use or disuse causes structures to enlarge or shrink --
Lamarck called the "First Law" in his book Philosophie zoologique.
Lamarck's "Second Law" stated that all such changes were heritable.
The result of these laws was the continuous, gradual change of all organisms, as
they became adapted to their environments; the physiological needs of organisms,
created by their interactions with the environment, drive Lamarckian evolution.
The Victorian
Web has more information on Lamarck's
biological thought. You may also wish to view the WWW site of Lamarck's
museum, the Musée National d'Histoire Naturelle,
still one of the world's great natural history museums over 200 years after the
French Revolution.